
Inspired by nature

Mosquitoes ...

... love warmth and humidity. That is why they multiply rapidly, especially in the summer months, and become a real annoyance for people. The bites or stings are mostly not even noticed and are usually harmless. And still, they can leave an itchy, burning souvenir on the skin for days. If foreign substances enter the skin through an insect bite, the human immune system tries to fight them. Histamine is released and symptoms such as redness, swelling, itching and persistent burning appear in the area of the sting.

In some regions of the world, insects can also transmit dangerous diseases such as Zika, yellow and dengue fever or malaria. But even here in Central Europe, a tick bite can lead to an infection with the Lyme disease virus or to a serious illness (TBE). To avoid being stung, the use of insect repellents is recommended. Demanding users are often looking for a gentle alternative to the otherwise common, synthetic repellent active substances for themselves and their family members.

Our Fullaverde insect repellents are developed and manufactured in Austria exclusively on the basis of the active substance Eucalyptus citriodora oil (H/C). This is a scientifically researched biocidal active substance of the latest generation, tested according to the newest standards and unrivalled in its specific properties.

Fulltec GmbH

4 Good Reasons

To use Fullaverde products


can be used for children from 6 months of age


are dermatologically tested with excellent


are vegan, without dyes and preservatives


repels insects without killing them

Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.